
Keighley Forest Schools


Get Out More provide a year-round programme of free and low-cost community play activities, called All for Play, in local parks, woodlands and green spaces on behalf of Keighley Big Local.


This programme started in April 2017 to get local children playing out in the natural world. All for Play has now expanded to include regular Saturday sessions, after-school club, holiday clubs and family activities.


Forest school sessions are listed here, plus find more of our Keighley events on our Community page.

Our locations

Keighley forest schools are targeted at children and families who live in the Keighley Big Local area:


Bradford Road, Dalton Lane, Hainworth, Woodhouse, Parkwood, Red Holt, Springbank Grange, Riddlesden, Stockbridge, Strong Close


What you’ll do

  • Den building

  • Teamwork

  • Woodland crafts

  • Campfires

  • Wild cooking

  • Tree climbing

About our Keighley forest schools

Professional body research shows that regular sessions in woodland or natural environments can help children foster resilience and build their self-esteem. Our All for Play forest school programme is for children and families who live in the Keighley Big Local area. Our qualified forest school leaders use nature-based learning  and play to help children get to know their local green spaces and become confident and creative learners.

Hands on learning

Get Out More’s weekend, holiday and after-school clubs in Keighley families to explore the natural world on their doorstep.  Children spend their days climbing trees, cooking over the campfire and learning practical woodland skills, which help improve social skills, self esteem and emotional development

All for Play forest school activities are listed below, with further events in the programme highlighted on our Community page

Keighley Forest Schools Events

  • All for Play – Summer Forest School – St Marys Riddlesden

    2024-08-06, 10:00 - 14:00

Find out about our latest activities in Keighley