
Keighley Programmes


Get Out More provide free community activities in parks, woodlands and green spaces across Keighley.


All for Play is an exciting year-round programme of outdoor activities for residents of the Keighley Big Local area. We have run the All for Play programme since 2018 with outdoor play activities in streets and parks to get local kids playing out again. In the holidays we moved the activity to local underused woodlands, and green spaces, setting up new outdoor activity clubs.


Thanks to drawing in additional funding, in the past few years the programme has expanded to include people of all ages including parents and older residents of the Keighley Big Local area and beyond, who enjoy gardening, days out and a programme of exciting inclusive community events all year round.



Our activities in Keighley

  • After school clubs
  • Saturday forest schools
  • Gardening groups
  • Holiday activity and food programmes
  • Trips for older people
  • Community events

If you live in the Keighley Big Local area, join the Get Out More team at one of our regular sessions such as Saturday forest school , after school clubs, gardening groups, trips and celebrations.

Keighley Programmes Events

  • All for Play – Summer Forest School – St Marys Riddlesden

    2024-08-06, 10:00 - 14:00