
Outdoor Taskforce – Otley Dry Stone Walling

March 15, 2024

Join the Outdoor Taskforce on the 15th of March in the newly community owned Weston Woods.  We will have an experienced Dry Stone Waller leading us as we rebuild a section of wall in the Woodland.


Please meet at 9.30AM, at Sainsbury’s Car Park, Keighley


We will be returning for around 3pm.


Bring a packed lunch and water and any medication you need to stay healthy, we will provide teas and coffee.


Please wear stout boots with a hardened toe cap if you have some, gloves for the activity will be provided.


If you are a new volunteer, then we ask you to fill in the form below so we can contact you and collect any necessary details. If you have any access needs, we can cover travel expenses for volunteers e.g. mileage, bus or train tickets, just bring a receipt or your ticket.

Event Details

  • Date: March 15, 2024
  • Start Time: 9:30 am
  • End Time: 3:00 pm
  • Venue: Weston Woods, Otley
